Raccoon Photo Gallery 8 by Suburban Wildlife Control

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Raccoon Removed by Suburban Wildlife Control    Raccoon Removed by Suburban Wildlife Control
Outside, Mother raccoon waits and Brad takes baby out to put it with its mom. (middle and right)

Raccoon Removed by Suburban Wildlife Control    Raccoon Removed by Suburban Wildlife Control

2 raccoons we caught    raccoon living under deck    two trapped raccoons
A pair of uninvited guests removed from a customer's home (left), a raccoon that was living under a deck (middle),
and two raccoons that traveled the same path so frequently that they wore a trail in the yard (right)

raccoon in a chimney    major raccoon lawn damage    raccoon in a window well
A raccoon living in a chimney that we then captured and removed (left),
a very bad "lawn job" from a destructive raccoon (middle), and a raccoon
Brad removed from a window well (as seen through a window with a screen) (right)

Raccoons and a opossum living under a gazebo    Raccoons captured by Suburban Wildlife control
Raccoons (and a opossum!) that were living under this gazebo, making a huge stink! Who wants to sit in that? Luckily Brad was called in to take care of it! (left)
Brad walks off with two raccoons he's trapped that are no longer going to be tearing apart and destroying this family's home. :) (right)


>More Photos of Raccoons in our Raccoons Photo Gallery 9 >

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