Squirrel Photo Gallery by Suburban Wildlife Control

What happened to the squirrel in the house and other squirrel pics....

squirrel on chest    squirrel running through house
The squirrel jumped up on to the furniture, knocking over keepsakes as he fled...

squirrel in house    squirrel under table    Brad preparing to catch squirrel    getting ready to cathc a squirrel
Yes, Brad got the squirrel and all was safe and sound!

Squirrel captured by Suburban Wildlife Control    Squirrel captured by Suburban Wildlife Control    Squirrel captured by Suburban Wildlife Control
These photos of squirrels Brad trapped that were living in a customer's attic just go to show how many deterrents (like fake plastic owls) do not work.

Squirrel captured by Suburban Wildlife Control    Squirrel captured by Suburban Wildlife Control
The last photo shows another of the squirrels Brad removed from the attic, caught at a precarious (but successful!) angle! :)

Squirrel captured by Suburban Wildlife Control    Squirrel captured by Suburban Wildlife Control    Squirrel captured by Suburban Wildlife Control
2 squirrels in a trap next to the wooden vent they had chewed their way into, and photos of some of the damage they did to this beautiful wood home, including chewing wires, which can be extremely dangerous.

>More Photos of Squirrels in our Squirrel Photo Gallery 2 >

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