Bee and Hornet Removal Photo Gallery by Suburban Wildlife Control

Bees Everywhere    bees all over a window    bees all over floor
The following 16 photos are of bees that were living in the ceiling of a house and got through into the house and were EVERYWHERE! Brad took care of it!

tons of bees    bees on window    Bee extermination by Suburban Wildlife Control

bees all over floor    bees on window    the bee nest in ceiling
There were tons of bees dead on the floor by the window, and third photo shows the nest in the ceiling, exposed by Brad after it initially broke through by the bees

bees nest in ceiling    bees in ceiling    bees on floor awful

Bee's nest in ceiling    more bees on floor    last pic of bees in ceiling
These photos show better the extent of the damage, which was just awful! An up-close shot of the bee's nest in the ceiling and a separate job (right)


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